Good. He should have banned him. There is no excuse for pedophiles. The need to be locked up and or get psychological help. What they do must NOT be accepted. Anyways, Musk suspended me for 7 days in February for a comment of mine on a pro transgender (man to woman) post that showed up on the top of my page. So I deleted my Twitter account for good. Because I get suspended like pedophiles do for saying men can’t be women and they need to get psychological help. Men with gender dysphoria are jabbing themselves with hormones in their leg and it gets all bruised. I had an actual ex-crackhead tell me that a trans acquaintance of his, showed him where he, or she, injects thigh. The ex-crack head said there were so many holes and bruising that the trans looked like the crackhead.
BREAKING: Elon Musk Suspends Twitter User Who Created Pedophile Flag