The Corporate, Liberal, Mainstream, and Public media are controlled by the Democrat “ic” party of slavery, the US intelligence agencies, and their puppet masters. They lie and repeat Democrat and Globalist propaganda 24/7. The Corporate, Liberal, Mainstream, and Public media bring Democrats and RINOs (Republican In Name Only) on their shows as they give their opinions and trash Donald Trump and Conservative Republicans for the entire show. If they bring on a non-RINO Republican, which is rare, they debate them. Democrats and RINOs talking about news, is NOT news. It’s left-wing opinion

The Corporate, Liberal, Mainstream, and Public media mainly report on the same news topics every day like abortion, liberal politics, and negative stories about Republicans and Trump. They hide, deny, or rarely report on important news topics. 3 obvious examples are election fraud by Democrats, crime by Democrat politicians, and crime by illegal aliens. You will never see the following news headlines in the fake news:


Illegal Aliens Arrested For Murdering 12-Year-Old Texas Girl Were Recently Released Into U.S By Biden Admin 


Federal Docs: Joe Biden’s DHS Gave Work Permit To Laken Riley’s Accused Killer Knowing He Had Criminal Record



Police: Illegal Alien Killed 19-Year-Old Lauryn Ni’Kole Leonard In Virginia


Instead, they get upset about people calling illegal aliens, illegal aliens. Sometimes the Corporate and Mainstream media report on crime by illegal aliens, but they don’t report the illegals were in the USA because of Democrat & RINO policies. And they never report on it like they do when a cop kills a black person resisting arrest.

The fake news often calls REAL news a conspiracy to make people think it’s not true. The best way to understand what is fake news is to take notes and do research on the news you watch and read.

As you can see on the home page of my website, I try to show what the fake news does NOT report and examples of their bias.

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