Laken Riley’s Father: ‘I Feel Like She’s Being Used’

Would he rather no one said anything and never mentioned it? Of course not. There is no way to expose the horrible crimes of illegal aliens unless we show the faces of the people they kill. NBC hoped the mourning father said this so everyone would shut up about it. The fake news tries their hardest to IGNORE crime by illegal aliens,  yet illegals kill, rape, rob, etc… Americans every single day! But you wouldn’t know it because the fake news does NOT report crime by people in the USA ILLEGALLY. And if they are forced to, they put that the killer was in the USA illegally in the last few paragraphs. They NEVER headline that an illegal alien or illegal migrant is the criminal.

The 22-year old nursing student’s murder was an avoidable tragedy that should have never happened. But Joe Biden and his human trafficking and illegitimate democrat party of slavery made it possible. Laken Riley is being “used” for a good cause which will help save countless other women, children, and men’s lives.





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