Close the US borders. America does NOT need anymore people. Foreigners have their own countries for god’s sake! It’s long past the time to make the world great. Stop all human smuggling and child trafficking.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Agency (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security has admitted that those registering for the H-1B white-collar visa worker program may be committing large-scale blatant fraud, diverting wealth and careers from myriad U.S. college graduates.
More than 400,000 duplicate requests for H-1B work permits were submitted by companies for 96,000 foreigners, according to an April 28 statement by deputies of Biden’s pro-migration border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas.
Joe Biden’s DHS ignored the damage to Americans as they worried about the fraud’s impact on foreigners in their April 27 post:
The large number of eligible registrations for beneficiaries with multiple eligible registrations – much larger than in previous years – has raised serious concerns that some may have tried to gain an unfair advantage by working together to submit multiple registrations on behalf of the same beneficiary. [Emphasis added] READ MORE