Smiling child wearing a cozy sweater.

7-Year-Old Killed By Illegal Alien Drunk Driver; Mainstream, Corporate, Liberal, And Public Media Ignore The News

A 7-year-old American girl named Ivory Smith was killed by an illegal alien drunk driver in Texas on December 1, 2024. Her mother, Christina, was sent to the hospital in critical condition. Police said that the two victims were only a few minutes from home. However, the mainstream, corporate, liberal, and public media did not investigate or report it. The big Fox News did ‘report’ on the tragic news once, but did not say one thing about the driver Joel Enrique Gonzalez Chacin’s immigration status, even though Fox 26 Houston did. Instead, Fox News referred to the drunk driver as ‘a man.’

Fox 26 Houston: “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations Houston lodged an immigration detainer Dec. 4 with the Harris County (Texas) Jail on Joel Enrique Gonzalez Chacin, a 41-year-old Venezuelan national, following his arrest for intoxicated manslaughter with a vehicle. At this time, no additional details can be released,” ICE Houston said in a statement.

Court records show that this isn’t the first ICE hold Chacin has been placed on.

Harris County records show that in June 2024, Chacin was arrested for assaulting a family member. Records show that he was put on an ICE hold for that crime.

“He was taken into custody in June, there was immediately an ICE hold on him – he couldn’t bond out,” said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers.

The felony was dropped to a misdemeanor, according to records, and Chacin was sentenced to 113 days jail time after pleading guilty.

“The reason it was 113 days was because that was his time served. So basically, he pleaded guilty and walked out the door because the ICE hold was lifted the day he pleaded guilty,” said Kahan. READ MORE

Below are the first two pages from a Google search for “Ivory Smith drunk driver.” Except for Fox, only local media reported the story. I also went to the websites of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, AP, NPR, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and searched for “Ivory Smith” in their search boxes, but no stories appeared about her death. Screenshots are below. However, if this little girl’s name were George Floyd, the mainstream, corporate, liberal, and public news media would never stop talking about it.

Illegal aliens, also known as migrants, kill, rape, rob, etc., Americans every single day in every state, but the Democrat media does not report it!


The family of a 7-year-old Texas girl who was killed by an illegal alien in a drunk driving accident earlier this week is demanding answers and changes to existing law to get justice and prevent such senseless, avoidable tragedies from happening again.

Which, of course, would require leftists and Democrat politicians to give a crap about innocent lives lost to people who shouldn’t even be in the country in the first place, so I won’t hold my breath.

Speaking at a press conference Wednesday, the family of 7-year-old Ivory Smith blasted 41-year-old Joel Gonzalez Chacin, an illegal alien who police say was drunk when he ran a stop sign and smashed his vehicle into the side of Christina Quainoo’s car around 2:45 a.m. Sunday, killing Ivory and sending Christina to the hospital in critical condition. The mother and daughter were on their way home from Christina’s mother’s house at the time. READ MORE
















































RIP Beautiful Ivory

Ivory Smith’s Life Mattered



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