Joe and Mika are at it again, spinning their Democrat fairy tales while dodging the real mess Biden left behind. Trump’s right—costs for energy and almost everything shot up under Biden, and no amount of International Monetary Fund (IMF) fluff or bingo-card stunts can whitewash that. These two aren’t journalists; they’re cheerleaders for Democrats and globalists with a grudge, parroting London’s The Economist and the IMF while Mika flounces off to Abu Dhabi, chairing the Forbes 30/50 Summit—a lavish, self-important estrogen expo for women, featuring Hillary Clinton in past years—preaching Biden’s ‘envy of the world’ economy, when we all lived the horror show of inflation and soaring bills they can’t erase.
Joe Scarborough: Last night, when, when Britain and, and by the way, the entire ideological divide in Britain outraged by the fact that the British stood shoulder to shoulder with Americans, through one war after another, died. And JD Vance mocking them, and, the Wall Street Journal editorial page taking issue of that too. Those are real issues that are going on. Now let’s talk though, about this Pep rally that was held last night that again was on, on, which is very short on news.
Mika Brezinski: Yeah, there’s been some criticism, the Democrats holding up what would have been called bingo cards, I actually think that the signs that say false, it’s very hard to keep up sometimes with the falsehoods. And I, you know I thought that was the only way to do it at that point, when you have falsehoods being spoken, it’s important to point that out. By the way, I’m in Abu Dhabi, where I am chair of the fourth annual 30/50 Summit. And we’ll have a lot more on that a little later. But back to the speech. President Trump spent much of his speech criticizing former President Biden’s economy and its policies, calling them the worst ever.
President Trump: As, you know, we inherited from the last administration an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare.
Mika Brezinski: The reality. When President Biden left office, America’s GDP was set to grow faster than all of its peer countries, according to the International Monetary Fund. America’s economy was also described as the, quote, envy of the world by The Economist, which added America, quote, left other rich countries in the dust. President Trump also made some dubious claims on inflation.
President Trump: Their policies drove up energy prices, pushed up grocery costs, and drove the necessities of life out of reach for millions and millions of Americans, if never had anything like it. We suffered the worst inflation in 48 years, but perhaps even in the history of our country, they’re not sure.
Mika Brezinski: So that claim is partially false. While the inflation rate hit its highest peak since 1981 in June of 2022, it wasn’t the worst in history. That was right after World War 1 when it reached roughly 24%. It should also be noted that by the time Biden left office, inflation had fallen to roughly 3%, Joe.
Joe Scarborough: And again, I guess we have to point all this out. I mean, I think our viewers are smart enough to know it, but again, America’s economy was the envy of the world, and our inflation rate lower than almost all of our allies…
Joe, if your viewers are smart, they’ll see through your spin that hides Biden’s economic wreck. Democrat and globalist propaganda fuels Joe and Mika’s four-hour daily MSDNC show, five days a week.