MSNBC’s Home Page Today Has 9 Fake News Articles About Donald Trump, ZERO About Illegitimate Joe

Below is MSNBC’s home page today. I control F then Trump and look how many fake news articles they have on their home page about Donald Trump who is not even president. 9 of their fake news articles are about Donald Trump! MSNBC is always lying about and trying to make Donald Trump look bad, even when he is not in the White House. Yet they never investigate or report on what Biden is doing. This is only normal to programmed, brainwashed, and ignorant morons.


Then look at how many fake news articles they have on their home page about Biden. ZERO. Considering illegitimate Joe is in the White House, he is the one they should be investigating and reporting about. But they don’t. Because MSNBC will never tell the truth about democrats and politics because controlled by the democrat party, the CIA, the FBI, and their puppet masters.



Today, CNN has 6 fake news articles about Trump on their home page and only 2 about Biden. And the 2 about Biden and they are propaganda. One reads, ‘Opinion: Biden has one key option in the debt ceiling standoff’ and the other ‘Opinion: How Manchin could cost Biden his reelection bid.’

MSNBC and CNN are  obviously fake news.


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