My Web Developer In Pakistan Said: Sorry I Couldn’t Update You Due To The Internet Cut By Govt. Due To Elections.

One of my web developers who lives in Pakistan emailed me. He said: “Hey, sorry I couldn’t update you due to the internet cut by govt. due to elections.”

I responded, “That’s okay. Why did your government cut the internet?!!”

He said, “Hmm. I don’t know, but it is very disappointing.”

I said, “Do you think they did it so they could cheat in the elections?”

He responded, “Yeah I think so.”


People should stay in their own countries and advocate for fair elections. Many individuals in the USA, including those from Pakistan, support and vote for the same tyrants they oppose in their home countries.

The world isn’t free because people refuse to stay in their own countries and fight. And America isn’t free because the democrat party of slavery pays and traffics foreigners to the USA in exchange for their votes.

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