Biden’s Open Border Policies Are Inhumane’ – South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem to Deploy National Guard to Southern Border (VIDEO)

Illegal immigration and open borders in the USA are inhumane to Americans too!! Illegals, migrants, and foreigners  kill, rape, molest, rob etc….Americans every day and in every state! Plus, we are forced to pay trillions on them!!

Foreigners are a burden to the USA. They need to live in their own countries.  They all are pathetic moochers who take advantage of US and abuse our system.  They are democrat voters indeed.  The party of slavery never died.

Build the wall.  Deport  them all.  It’s 2023 for God’s sake, not 1923

‘Biden’s Open Border Policies Are Inhumane’ – South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem to Deploy National Guard to Southern Border (VIDEO)







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