Maddow: Objectively Speaking, Trump’s Transition Has Been A Debacle

Rachel Maddow said objectively speaking. LOL!  She’s one of least objective puppets of them all.

Rachel Maddow: Why do we deserve that? Donald Trump was sworn in for a second term as president today. He did not kiss the Bible, Allah drunk Andrew Johnson in 1865, um, but nor did he put his hand on the Bible as he was sworn in, which was odd. He just left his left hand dangling by his side while his wife held the Bible vaguely near to him, but he never touched it. Trump’s transitioned in his into his second term in office, um, has not been covered in the media broadly as a debacle. But I think objectively speaking, it has been a debacle. Me just describing what has happened in this transition. ‘It’s like no other transition we have seen other than the other bad Trump transitions in modern times. But it’s been error and humiliation upon error and humiliation.


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