Maddow: These things have a cost to all of us and to our country. It’s the same thing with Trump taking money from foreign interests and foreign governments, right. There’s a reason that foreigners aren’t allowed to make political campaign contributions in the United States, right? It’s obvious to all of US. Foreign countries, foreign governments, foreign interests shouldn’t get to put US government officials or US president on their payroll. If they do, the, the the US government and the US president will start serving those foreign interests they’re getting paid to serve instead of doing stuff that is good for our country. So obviously, we cannot have foreign donations to campaigns. That principle we all understand, we understand the cost to us as a country. Why it would make our country, kind of suck if other countries could pay our politicians to do stuff to serve other countries instead of serving us. We get that.
Yeah Rachel. America First Donald Trump took donations from from foreign governments. That is why China Joe pardoned his family members accused of laundering China bribes. Open Border and Human Trafficking Joe is the one who is controlled by foreign governments and foreigners but Maddow never said a word about it. She also doesn’t see a problem with Joe Biden and Democrats allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens into the USA to rig and cheat our elections.