
73-Year-Old Arizona Rancher Charged With First-Degree Murder For Fatally Shooting Illegal Alien On His Property – Held On $1 Million Bond

Get the ILLEGALS out of the USA. Build The Wall!. Deport Them ALL. ILLEGAL ALIENS are criminals and moochers. Many commit horrible crimes against Americans. ILLEGALS do NOT follow laws! PRISON FOR JOE BIDEN!   73-Year-Old Arizona Rancher Charged with First-Degree Murder For Fatally Shooting Illegal Alien on His Property – Held on $1 Million

73-Year-Old Arizona Rancher Charged With First-Degree Murder For Fatally Shooting Illegal Alien On His Property – Held On $1 Million Bond Read More »

Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree To Destroy ALL INFORMATION On Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company On Same Day As Russian Invasion – Then Fire Spotted Outside Intel Headquarters

Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree to Destroy ALL INFORMATION on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company on Same Day as Russian Invasion – Then Fire Spotted Outside Intel Headquarters    

Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree To Destroy ALL INFORMATION On Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company On Same Day As Russian Invasion – Then Fire Spotted Outside Intel Headquarters Read More »

Omnibus Spending Bill: $410M For Border Security — In The Middle East

The people who voted for this bill are domestic and international terrorists. Breitbart: The $1.7 trillion year-end omnibus spending bill uses hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayer money to fund border security initiatives overseas as the United States, at its own border, is projected to set illegal immigration records next year. The spending bill

Omnibus Spending Bill: $410M For Border Security — In The Middle East Read More »

Omnibus Spending Bill Does Not Secure the Border, But Further Incentivizes And Enables Illegal Immigration

Democrat supporters voted and cheated for this. I know idiot democrats who don’t think the open border is Biden and the democrat party’s fault…..RINO GOP approved. America voted for secure borders and less immigrants. FAIR: Passage of the omnibus coincides with a full-blown crisis along our southern border that is about to get a whole

Omnibus Spending Bill Does Not Secure the Border, But Further Incentivizes And Enables Illegal Immigration Read More »

Massive Congressional Spending Bill Says Border Patrol Can’t Spend Funds On Border Security

Everyone who voted for this bill are domestic terrorists. Not having a border wall gets Americans killed, raped, robbed and much more every single day. BPR: The massive congressional spending bill released Tuesday would bar Customs and Border Protection (CBP) funding from going toward border security as the agency sees record numbers of illegal immigrants.

Massive Congressional Spending Bill Says Border Patrol Can’t Spend Funds On Border Security Read More »

Soros’ Open Society Foundations Dole Out Millions To Left-Wing Immigration Groups

George Soros is an Anti-American criminal who is trying to destroy America and freedom. CNS News: The Open Society Foundations, which were founded by billionaire left-wing activist George Soros, donated millions of dollars to various organizations, such as New Virginia Majority and America’s Voice, to advocate for mass immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens, reported Breitbart News.

Soros’ Open Society Foundations Dole Out Millions To Left-Wing Immigration Groups Read More »

GOP Congressman: Biden Asking For $3.5 Billion For Border Because ‘Their Goal Is To Get As Many Illegals As Possible’

All democrats do is traffic children and lawless foreigners to the USA while Americans are killed, raped, molested, robbed and much more by those illegal aliens. This proves democrats are illegitimate and criminal. Because America voted for secure borders and less immigrants. Joe Biden and his party of slavery (D) are the world’s number one

GOP Congressman: Biden Asking For $3.5 Billion For Border Because ‘Their Goal Is To Get As Many Illegals As Possible’ Read More »

JD Vance TORCHES Tim Ryan Over 10-Year-Old Girl Raped And Impregnated By Illegal Immigrant

Democrats do NOT care if people in the USA ILLEGALLY rape American girls or women. Post Millenial: Tim Ryan attempted to paint JD Vance as unfeeling and callous on abortion during a debate between the two men on Monday night in a contest for an Ohio Senate seat, but instead Vance both showed that Ryan

JD Vance TORCHES Tim Ryan Over 10-Year-Old Girl Raped And Impregnated By Illegal Immigrant Read More »