Kaitlan Collins: And my source tonight is Doctor Richard Besser, the former acting CDC director under President Obama. What did you make of what we heard from Senator Cassidy You’re given what a critical vote he was, and also how skeptical he seemed of RFK Jr. In his hearing.
Obama CDC Director: You know, I have to say I was extremely disappointed. I had my heart set on him for a lot of reasons. He’s a doctor and as a doctor, one of the things that you pledge is to do no harm. And, you know, as I look across this administration and the people who are being selected for cabinet positions, I don’t think that there’s anyone on that list, um, who could do more harm or I expect might do more harm than RFK.
Kaitlan Collins: Were you at all? Did it give you any consolation to hear what RK, or what Senator Cassidy said about the assurances that RFK Jr. and people in the administration made to him about vaccines, or going to the, to the health committee on Capitol Hill and talking to them first?
Obama CDC Director: Yeah you know, I I don’t, uh, I think that, um, people will say just about anything to get through their hearings. And it’s so important to look at somebody’s track record. So you have someone like RFK junior who has done more than just about anybody to undermine parents confidence in the vaccines that they give to their, their children. You know, as, as a pediatrician, I was a pediatrician for over 30 years and now is head of the Robert Johnson Foundation, very focused on this idea of trust. And, and, you know, the conversations I would have with parents, they would ask me really good questions, and I would say, go to the CDC website, it’s got information you can trust on the, on these questions. To have someone to see what’s taking place right now with the CDC website is, is shocking. But to think that the person who could be the secretary of health and in human service services who oversees that could be in a position to make sure that on that website is information that gives parents pause.
Kaitlan Collins: And you believe he’ll use all the powers that are afforded to him in this position. Because I’ve heard, I’ve heard some Republican senators who maybe were on the fence say, well, there’s a lot of people who work there. He’s not the only one, but he is in charge.
Obama CDC Director: He, he is in charge. And, you know, what you wanna see in that person in charge is that they are relying on the expertise of the people in the agencies. And what we’re saying right now is the clearing of cleaning house in so many different departments and and, and agencies. So for him to come in with a, with a strong belief that vaccines are dangerous, that there are no safe and effective vaccines, and to be in that role is extremely dangerous and will cause some parents who wanna do the right thing for their children to make the wrong decision.
Who is this man to dictate what is right or wrong for other people’s children?
Democrats are staunchly pro-vaccine, while RFK Jr. stands on the opposite end of the spectrum. There is your balance.
This Pediatrician said, “One of the things that you pledge is to do no harm.” But vaccines can do harm and most certainly have side effects for some people, including long-term sickness and death. But we don’t hear about the bad side effects of vaccines in commercials like we do in drug commercials. How is that legal? Instead, the CDC and Democrats tell us vaccines are safe and effective. And if you dare say they’re not, you get called names and banned from most places online.
I recently had a new doctor try to talk me into getting vaccinated. I said, “I haven’t been sick one time since I stopped getting vaccinated 9 years ago, so I do not want to get vaccinated.” He told me I should get vaccinated because the “CDC recommends it.” I said, “I bet they do.” He got my point. I have not been back to him, and this is not the first doctor I’ve left for pushing vaccines.
One of my doctors before him, during the COVID pandemic, tried really hard to get me COVID-vaccinated. We were going back and forth. I told her I didn’t want to get vaccinated and why, but she kept pushing it.
Anyway, Kaitlan Collins is a fake news reporter, puppet, and propagandist. She mostly brings on Democrats and people who are saying the same thing as she is on her show. When someone doesn’t agree with the narrative she is pushing, she debates them or ignores it and moves on.